Book cover that reads 'Building Games with DragonRuby; a comprehensive guide to shipping cross-platform games with ease by Brett Chalupa and the Dragon Riders community.'

Building Games with DragonRuby

A free, online book on how to make games with Ruby using DragonRuby Game Toolkit by Brett Chalupa and the DragonRuby community.

Above is the final version of the game you'll be building—a simple shoot 'em up where you pilot a dragon and spit fire at the targets. The book walks through step-by-step on how to code every single aspect of the game.

Here are some kind things people have said about the book:

Reading Building Games with DragonRuby book was a breath of fresh air to me.
This is nuts! Great work with the book.
Thanks for the book, I really enjoyed the writing style!

Topics Covered

  • The fundamentals of game programming
  • Handling input from keyboard and gamepad
  • Rendering sprites & animating them
  • Saving and loading high-score data
  • Playing sound effects and music
  • Coding menus and different game scenes
  • Refactoring the code to make it easier to maintain

Read the Book!

It's still a work in progress and approaching the finished version.

📖 Read the book online, it's free!

A PDF and offline version is available for download too.

If you enjoyed the book, consider becoming a patron or subscribing to my newsletter to show your support. I made this book free so that as many people as possible can learn to make games with DragonRuby, but financial support would mean a lot to me.

More Details

Building Games with DragonRuby is open source and contributions are welcome.

Building Games with DragonRuby by Brett Chalupa is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International and the code snippets are unlicensed.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Building Games with DragonRuby.pdf 3.7 MB
Building Games with DragonRuby (Complete).zip 9.4 MB
Building Games with DragonRuby (HTML).zip 4.4 MB
Building Games with DragonRuby (Assets).zip 291 kB
Building Games with DragonRuby (Source Code).zip 2.1 MB 3.8 MB 5.1 MB 3.8 MB 3.7 MB

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